Impact + Profit Conference
August 28, 2024I Imagine
February 11, 2019
- Event NameI Imagine Film Festival
- CategoryEvent
- WhereNew York/Los Angeles
- WhenSeptember 2015 - Present
- Description The iimagine Film Festival is part of the iimagine project. The objective of the festival is to showcase films that have a maximum positive impact theme. The annual UN General Assembly is held in New York in September of each year and numerous other events that focus on global issues are held at the same time. We want a seat at this “global issues table” in New York in September of each year. I decided to start with the iimagine film festival.
Films can play a critical and unique role in communicating what is happening in the world and what some people are doing about it. Filmmakers have the ability to combine the audio visual medium, the power of storytelling and the ability to associate real faces with statistics to create content that is compelling, entertaining, insightful and educational. Its’ power is even greater now that anyone with a phone in any part of the world where something important is unfolding can instantly capture that moment and potentially become a documentarian.
Over time, the film festival will become part of a larger iimagine event that will include activities focused on the major issues to be addressed by the UN General Assembly and broader global issues that we think are not getting enough attention.